The answer is simple: part of it is hereditary as we come from a lineage of long hair. But the reason her hair thrives and has grown past her tiny waist is that I take really good care of her hair. Washing, conditioning and moisturizing it often.
Hair care is extremely important when it comes to hair growth. It is normal to condition your hair on the outside but we often forget to provide the proper nutrients to our hair from the inside. I suggest going to your local drug or health food store and buying vitamins (such as biotin) to stimulate and strengthen your hair, besides it will also help your nails grow. A healthy diet that includes lots of fruits and veggies is also important. The following is a list of fruits and veggies that are said to promote healthy hair growth:
Carrots, Citrus Fruit, Dark Green Leafs, Red Bell Peppers, Avocados, Cherry Juice, Berries, and Flaxseeds.
If you follow these tips your hair will begin to grow long, healthy and strong. But you have to be patient, it won;t happen right away. Now don't get me wrong I said it will grow, but I can't promise that your hair will grow to the Baby T..LOL.
1. Trim Your Ends to Make Black Hair Grow
Make sure you clip your ends at least every 4-6 weeks. When you have split ends and you don't cut them, they will continue to split all the way up your hair which will cause hair loss.
2. Deep Condition to Make Black Hair Grow
The key to gaining length is to condition your hair. Condition your hair daily. But deep condition at least once a month. Find a conditioner right for you, not all will work for everyone. Once bi-weekly use a moisturizing deep conditioner. If you use a relaxer, use a protein re-constructor at least once a month. Doing so will make your hair healthy and strong.
The key to gaining length is to condition your hair. Condition your hair daily. But deep condition at least once a month. Find a conditioner right for you, not all will work for everyone. Once bi-weekly use a moisturizing deep conditioner. If you use a relaxer, use a protein re-constructor at least once a month. Doing so will make your hair healthy and strong.
3. Moisturize Daily to Make Black Hair Grow
Before applying a moisturizer, wet your hair with water. Apply moisturizer (which does not contain petroleum jelly, petroleum or mineral oils). Start about two inches away from the roots and apply a moisturizer all the way to the ends. Do this daily or as your hair requires. You want your hair to feel soft and pliable. You may have to experiment with what works for you
4. Apply Oil Sparingly to Make Black Hair Grow
Olive oil, soybean, vegetable glycerin and any other natural oils will do. This may be used on hair after applying a water-based moisturizer in order to seal in moisture into the hair shaft and this will give your hair a natural shine look. These oils should never be applied directly to the scalp because it may block your pores and lead to alopecia and hair loss. Vegetable glycerin is a good and all natural choice.
5. Use a Wide-Tooth Comb to Make Black Hair Grow
Comb hair carefully to get it to grow long. Be sure to use a very wide-toothed comb with no stems. Comb hair gently from the ends first. As combing from the ends will detangle your hair as you comb higher and higher. Never comb the roots to the ends until your hair is completely untangled.
6. Avoid Brushing to Make Black Hair Grow
Avoid daily and/or excessive brushing of your hair, as black hair is fragile. Excessive brushing can strip your hair of its protective layers. If you are trying to smooth your hairline, brush gently. Use a boar bristle brush, and make sure your hair is completely dry and moisturized.
Persevere to Make Black Hair Grow
Most importantly, stick to it. Do not give up if you do not get immediate results. It will pay off when you have long beautiful hair.
You can also watch this video on Tips:To Grow Black Hair at
*All information is cited from Hair, to watch the video on growing black hair go to .